LakeSmart and Watershed Wise
Nature-based landscaping provides an empowering opportunity for landowners to help protect the Megunticook watershed in many different ways. It reduces runoff, improves water quality, provides habitat for birds and pollinators, and creates wider ecological connections and corridors to support local wildlife.
Principles of nature-based landscaping are:
planting native flowers, shrubs, and trees
reducing lawn areas
reducing or eliminating fertilizer and pesticide use
slowing, sinking, or spreading runoff from significant rain events
For more info, email us.
LakeSmart, a flagship program of the Maine Lakes Society, helps landowners achieve nature-based landscaping goals and recognizes waterfront homeowners who use natural landscaping strategies to protect the health of their lake.
LakeSmart aims to protect lakes and ponds by rewarding property owners who live in a lake-friendly manner. The reward is public recognition in the form of two handsome metal signs. These now-familiar blue and white Award signs get posted at shorefront and roadside. They say, “A friend of the lake lives here.”
How Does LakeSmart Work?
When owners request a LakeSmart evaluation of their property, two trained volunteers will visit and survey the outdoor areas of the property, completing a scorecard assessing how well that property meets the LakeSmart standards of excellence for lake protection. If there are features of the property where lake protection could be improved, the survey report will provide the owners with recommendations for improvements and referrals to resources to provide guidance for any remedial action the owners wish to take.
Property scores are forwarded to The Maine Lakes Society, which makes the awards for qualifying properties. No regulatory agencies are involved in any way.
Watershed Wise
Earning the LakeSmart Award is structurally very difficult for most of the older camps/homes on our lake and pond, which some owners find discouraging. But most of us can take steps to reduce harmful impacts from our waterfront properties. The Megunticook Watershed Association is introducing a pilot program in 2024 - Watershed Wise – to recognize those owners who implement significant lake-friendly improvements, even though they may not be able to meet the Lake Smart award criteria.
How Does Watershed Wise Work?
The LakeSmart survey is scored in 5 categories and a property must achieve a score of at least 70% of the maximum point score in each category to receive the LakeSmart Award. The survey report prepared by your volunteer evaluators will show you your property’s scores and provide suggestions on ways you can make improvements to improve your score and better protect our waters. Under the proposed Watershed Wise Program, if you implement enough of these recommendations to improve your property’s score by a total of 5 points anywhere among the 5 LakeSmart categories (out of a possible total of 84 points) you will qualify for the Megunticook Watershed Association’s Watershed Wise award.
Property scores are reviewed with the MWA Environmental Committee, which makes the awards for qualifying properties. No regulatory agencies are involved in any way.
LakeSmart and Watershed Wise Can Doubly Benefit a Lake
Homeowners who do these things can earn the coveted Watershed Wise and/or LakeSmart Award, represented by signs that show their home is helping preserve lake health. The attractive signs also show neighbors how they, too, can protect a watershed they love by modeling good stewardship practices in how we live day to day.
For more info or to schedule a visit email us!