The Megunticook Watershed
The landscape of the Megunticook Watershed was carved by glaciers estimated to be up to a mile thick during the ice age some 25,000 years ago. The result is spectacular - from sweeping views perched above Maiden’s Cliff to the intimate nooks and crannies of Megunticook Lake, the watershed covers approximately 31 square miles and includes portions of the towns of Camden, Hope, Lincolnville, and Searsmont. The headwaters are in Searsmont and runs through Moody Pond, Levenseller Pond, Norton Pond, Megunticook Lake, and ultimately the Megunticook River flowing into Camden Harbor. The land-use in the watershed is primarily forested (69% by area), with some small and medium sized towns and scattered low-density development.
Prior to European settlement in the late 1700s, the Megunticook Watershed was home to tribes of the Wabanaki Confederacy. Wabanaki is translated as “People of the First Light” or “Dawnland” and Megunticook is an indigenous name that translates to “Great Swells of the Sea” or “Big Mountain Harbor.”
Fish known to be in the Megunticook include rainbow trout (stocked), brook trout (stocked), large and small mouth bass, eel, and a variety of pan fish. Currently the Megunticook River includes several barriers to fish passages and, with the exception of a very determined eel or two, there is no sea-run fish migration occurring in the watershed. The Town of Camden, advised by the multi-stakeholder Megunticook River Citizens Advisory Committee is exploring the potential to improve river protection, resiliency, and sustainability outcomes. More information is available on the Town of Camden’s website here.
Public Access
There are many places for the public to access the watershed, including public beaches, boat launches, and hiking paths.
Public Beaches and Parks:
Barrett’s Cove - Camden
Hodson Park - Camden
Shirttail Point - Camden
Breezemere Park - Lincolnville
Boat Launches:
Bog Bridge/Rte. 105 Boat Launch in the Town of Camden
Rte. 52 Boat Launch in the Town of Camden
Breezemere Park in the Town of Lincolnville
Hiking Areas:
Fernalds Neck (Coastal Mountains Land Trust)
McPheters Preserve (Coastal Mountains Land Trust)
Camden Hills State Park (Maine State Parks)
Megunticook River Walk - Camden