Invasive Species Management
Courtesy Boat Inspections
During the busy summer boating season, MWA employs Courtesy Boat Inspectors at the Bog Bridge boat launch, the Rte. 52 boat launch, and Breezemere Park boat launch. Inspectors offer to help anyone launching any vessel (power boats, kayaks, canoes, etc.) inspect their boat for invasive aquatic plants and other potential hitchhikers like zebra mussels.
Why are invasive plants so bad? Invasive plants can quickly take over an ecosystem, disrupting the ecology of freshwater systems. They can force out and out compete other important native plants and habitats, and even disrupt fishing and recreation.
In a typical year, our Courtesy Boat Inspectors complete more than 2500 inspections! If you see one of our Courtesy Boat Inspectors at a boat launch, please be courteous, say hi, and thank them for helping us protect the watershed!
(Funding for this program is generously provided by MWA members and donors, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, and Lake Stewards of Maine - thank you!)
Resident Goose Management
Migratory Canada geese are part of our natural ecosystem. They are an important game species for hunting and their honking is a harbinger of the changing seasons in the fall. Unfortunately, resident geese, which were introduced and are not native inhabitants of the region, can become a nuisance and degrade environments. They have few natural predators resulting in booming populations, and in excess numbers they can destroy aquatic vegetation and pollute the water through droppings.
Under the authority of a Federal permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, MWA manages resident goose populations through humane addling of eggs. If you have a nest on your property or think you know where a nest is located, please let us know - info@megunticook.org.