Water Quality Monitoring
MWA participates in multiple monitoring programs to effectively evaluate the health of the watershed and identify and mitigate pollution sources.
Lake Stewards of Maine
The Lake Stewards of Maine volunteer program is a community-based monitoring program that certifies volunteers and water quality professionals in sampling techniques, ensuring accurate water quality data. Currently there are approximately 500 certified monitors throughout the state - that’s a lot of volunteers generating a lot of great data on behalf of our lakes and ponds!
Monitors, including those on Megunticook Lake and Norton Pond collect water clarity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and phosphorus levels.
MWA has participated in the program since 1975.
Bacteria Monitoring
MWA monitors summer bacteria (e. coli) levels weekly at 8 locations throughout the watershed, including public beaches like Barrett's Cove in Camden and Breezemere Park in Lincolnville?
Bacteria monitoring is an important public health service as it helps us detect pollutants in the water (specifically fecal matter - yuck!) and can help determine the risk of infection associated with swimming and other water recreation activities. Potential sources of bacteria pollution include failing or unmaintained septic systems, wildlife, or livestock and pets. Bacteria levels are also typically higher after significant rain events to do increased runoff and potential flooding of septic fields, etc. You can help prevent bacteria pollution by maintaining your septic system and picking up after pets!
Samples are collected weekly on Wednesdays by volunteers and analyzed by the lab at the Rockland Waste Water Treatment Plant. Results are generally available by midday Thursday and posted on our website.
A special thank you to the volunteers who make this program possible!
Megunticook River Monitoring
With funding approved by the Town of Camden Select Board, MWA began a new monitoring program on the Megunticook River in 2023. Continuous data-loggers are deployed at seven locations between the East and West Dams and Camden harbor. The data-loggers capture common water quality parameters, including dissolved oxygen, temperature, and conductivity. The data allows to us assess the health of the river and give us a better understanding of the watershed ecosystem.
In addition, in late summer 2023, water level gauges were installed to monitor water levels in Megunticook Lake, the river behind Seabright Dam, and the mill pond behind Montgomery Dam. You can see the data real-time here.