2025 Ice Out Contest
When will Ice Out be? Who knows . . . Make a guess and you could win!

Boater Safety Certificate Course
Maine has a new law that requires anyone born on or after January 1, 1999 to have completed a recognized boating safety and education course in order to operate a motorboat greater than 25 horsepower on Maine inland or territorial waters. Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be issued a certificate which they must carry when operating a motorboat and have available for inspection upon request by a law enforcement officer.
The Megunticook Watershed Association is working with Inland Fish & Wildlife to present the required course locally at Port Harbor Marine in Rockport. The course will be taught by Inland Fish & Wildlife’s Kelli Gilzow Stowell and will run from 9 to 3, with a short break for lunch.

Lake Music
Mark your calendars for an afternoon on the lake that you won’t want to miss! This year’s Lake Music features The Right Track, Rockport’s renowned, full-throttle dance band. Come in your canoe, kayak, sailboat, rowboat, paddleboard, floatie, motorboat, or anything that floats and groove with us in front of Camp Rabbit.
Closest boat launch is Bog Bridge. Lake Megunticook - 44,23.97 N / 69,10.93 W

Lake Music - The Fins
Join us for live music on the lake, Saturday August 3rd (rain date August 4th) from 4pm-6pm

Annual Meeting and Living with Loons Talk
Join us for the members’ annual meeting at Camp Bishopswood.

Boater Safety Certificate Course
Maine has a new law that requires anyone born on or after January 1, 1999 to have completed a recognized boater safety and education course in order to operate a motorboat greater than 25 horsepower on Maine inland or territorial waters. Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be issued a certificate which they must carry when operating a motorboat and have available for inspection upon request by a law enforcement officer.
The Megunticook Watershed Association is working with Port Harbor Marine, the Coast Guard Auxiliary, and Inland Fish & Wildlife to present the required course locally at Port Harbor Marine in Rockport.
The May 18th course will be taught by Inland Fish & Wildlife and will run from 9 to 3, with a small break for lunch.
Click here to register. The class is limited to 30 people.
For more information, please contact Abby Kidder at abby@megunticook.org
Ice Out Contest!
It’s time for the annual Megunticook Lake Ice Out Contest! Entries must be posted at least one week prior to the actual event to qualify. First prize will be a $100 gift card to Maine Sport and second place pulls in a $50 gift card to Viking. Thanks to our friends at Maine Sport and Viking for these prizes! Please send your entry via email to tim@megunticook.org! And keep an eye out for the ice-out announcement! Which could be soon!
Fish Tales: Educational Sea-Run Fish Forum
On Thursday, February 1 expert panelists with backgrounds in commercial fishing, conservation, and outdoor recreation will come together to present an educational forum about the fascinating lives of sea-run fish species! The forum takes place at Camden-Rockport Middle School at 6:30p.m., doors will open at 6:00p.m.
Anadromous fish like Atlantic salmon, alewives, and blueback herring play a vital role in the ecosystems of Maine’s waters, as well our economy. Panelists will cover a wide range of topics related to the importance of sea-run species.
Panelists include:
Moderator Jeremy Gabrielson, Senior Conservation and Community Planner at Maine Coast Heritage Trust
Frank O’Hara from commercial fishing company O’Hara Corporation
Jeff Reardon, Project Manager for the Atlantic Salmon Federation and formerly of TroutUnlimited and Penobscot River Restoration Trust
Jason Seiders, Regional Biologist for Maine Department of Inland Fisheries andWildlife
Seth Taylor, fisherman guide, member of Camden’s Megunticook River Citizens Advisory Committee, and manager of the tackle shop at Maine Sport Outfitters
Be sure to arrive early for a chance to register for the door prize for a half-day guided saltwater or lake fishing and nature viewing tour with Captain Andy from Maine Outdoor Guides of Camden!
No tickets or registration are required! This event is open to all ages. The audience will be encouraged to enter into the panel’s discussion.
This event is jointly sponsored by Coastal Mountains Land Trust, Georges River Trout Unlimited, Megunticook Watershed Association, and Midcoast Conservancy.
This panel is available to stream on Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83517686039
MRCAC River Project Community Conversation
We’ve heard from many community members with questions about the Megunticook River Project and associated studies and grants. This is your chance to get some answers!
Join the Megunticook River Citizens Advisory Committee (MRCAC) at Camp Bishopswood on Wednesday, 8/23 from 4 - 6 PM for a presentation from fisheries and coastal experts from NOAA and members of MRCAC.
Note that MWA is not a sponsor or officially affiliated with this meeting or MRCAC, but are encouraging any members of the community with questions or interest to attend.
From the Megunticook River Citizens Advisory Committee:
Join us for a community conversation with Matt Bernier and Jamie Carter (bios below) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as they break down the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) grant and what it means for the Megunticook Watershed Project in Camden! The event will take place on Wednesday August 23rd from 4-6PM at Camp Bishopswood in Hope (98 Bishops Wood Road). Please RSVP for the event by emailing megunticookriver@fbenvironmental.com.
Matt Bernier, P.E. graduated from Cornell University with a B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering and is a licensed professional engineer in Maine, his home state. Prior to working for NOAA as a Marine Habitat Resource Specialist with the Restoration Center, part of NOAA Fisheries, he worked for 19 years for a consulting firm in Maine working on dam and hydropower projects all over the Northeast, where his work included the study and design of fish passage and protection projects, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, instream flow studies, stream restoration and dam removal. Based in Orono, Maine since 2008, his work for NOAA includes managing and providing technical assistance to restoration and resiliency projects under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law including dam removals, fishways, culvert replacements and salt marsh restoration. He previously served as project manager and technical monitor for the nationally-recognized Penobscot River Restoration Project that now sees millions of river herring returning to Penobscot Bay.
Jamie Carter is a physical scientist with the NOAA Office for Coastal Management where he develops and delivers geospatial products and services to support coastal management and decision making throughout New England. Much of his effort is focused on increasing community resilience to coastal hazards through the effective use of scientific data and tools. Jamie provides technical assistance to coastal communities and coordinates geospatial activities with Federal and State agencies and other organizations. He also helps maintain NOAA’s Digital Coast, a website that provides not only coastal data, but also the tools, training, and information needed to make these data truly useful. Jamie received a M.S. in Physical Geography from Oregon State University. Prior to starting with NOAA in 2003, he worked with the USGS studying instream fish habitat, watershed hydrology, and land use. Jamie is based in Falmouth, Maine.

8th Annual Megunticook Lake Concert
Join us on Megunticook Lake for the 8th Annual Megunticook Lake Concert, the second of two summer lake concerts! Come by boat, kayak, paddleboard, or any other craft to enjoy music by Pat Colwell and the Soul Sensations, plus some special guests!
(Note the rain date is the following day, August 15, same time and place!)
2nd Annual Poker Run (Note New Date!)
***NOTE NEW DATE - the 2023 Poker Run has been postponed one week due to forecast rain and storms. Join us on Friday, August 11, 5 - 7 PM***
The starting dock will be the O'Hara dock on the left coming out of Barrett's cove - look for a Megunticook Watershed Association flag and you can't miss it! A map of the stops as well as the score card will be given out at the first dock where you will pay your entry fee (unless you pre-pay below). All 5 locations will be clearly marked as you slowly cruise around the lake enjoying the night - we hope to see you there!
50% of the proceeds of the evening go to the MWA while the other 50% to the winner with the best hand!
$25 per boat entry fee.
If your hand isn’t that great at the last stop, an additional $10 will allow you two replacement cards.
The poker run starting location along with all other stops will be announced before the event!
Pre-purchase as many hands as you’d like below, thank you!
Annual Meeting
Please join the Megunticook Watershed Association on Thursday, July 27 at 7 PM for our 2023 Annual Meeting at Bishopswood Camp (98 Bishops Wood Rd, Hope, ME 04847).
We have a packed agenda that includes:
a presentation on the health of the Megunticook Watershed
an update on the Megunticook River Citizen's Advisory Committee by FB Environmental
member business
Please note our Annual Meeting is open to the public, but only current members will be able to vote on official MWA business. Bring a friend!
Free Concert on the Lake
A quick update on the schedule for this event: The band, The Leafy Greens Band, is playing on behalf of our hosts so it is up to them to determine if the music will go on or not, but the weather does not look great and we encourage everyone to watch the latest weather forecasts and conditions for heavy rain, low visibility, and especially lightning.
As of now we will make a game-time decision on if we will take the patrol boat out or not depending on the current radar and threat of lightning. While we do our best to provide the most accurate info, as always, when and where to enjoy our waterways and all the associated risks are up to you to decide.
One of these days the sun will return :)
Join us on Megunticook Lake for the first of two summer lake concerts! Come by boat, kayak, paddleboard, or any other craft to enjoy music provided by the Leafy Greens! The concert will be located along the east shore of the Lake across from Fernald’s Neck - see the map below for the approximate location.
Note that there is no land access or parking available at this location - the concert will only be accessible from the lake.
4th of July Boat Parade
Put on your best patriotic flair, decorate your boat, and join us on the 4th of July at 4 PM for the Norton Pond Boat Parade! We'll muster at the southwest side of the pond near the outlet to Megunticook Lake.
Of course the rainy pattern looks like it may continue for at least the next week...if there is light drizzle or fog, we will plan to proceed as scheduled. If there are heavy downpours or storms forecast we may need to postpone. We'll make the call in the morning and send out an email and post to social media before noon on the 4th if we do need to postpone - otherwise we look forward to seeing everyone out on the pond!